About Us

We are now part of the Rossendale Team of nine parishes forming a Mission Community within the Bury and Rossendale Deanery
Rossendale Team Ministry

St Mary's remains Biblically orthodox in its Christian faith (as defined in the '39 Articles of Faith and the historic formularies of the Church of England).  Jesus is Lord of every area of our shared and private lives.

We're all on a journey of repentance and transformation, it would be great to share with you on the same journey

Our Vision

Our vision is:
"To reveal Jesus as we love God and serve others in the power of His Spirit."

Our Purpose

To enjoy fellowship as we worship in Spirit and Truth, grow in discipleship, develop in ministry and deploy in mission

Our Values

Faithful to the Message - Focussed on Ministry - Flourishing in Mission

Prayer Request Form

Please submit your prayer requests by completing the box below and clicking Send Prayer Request



Monday 11th March 2024


Morning Services

Sunday 11:00AM

Sunday school for children during part of the service

Family Service

1st Sunday of month

Suitable for the whole family to join in or with Sunday school for children

Holy Communion

2nd and 4th Sunday of month

Sunday school for children during part of the service

Morning Prayer

3rd Sunday of month


Mondays 1pm to 2:30pm

For babies and pre-school-age children (during term-time). 

Restarts Monday January 22nd 2024, then every Monday

Mothers' Union

3rd Monday of month 7:30pm

Group for anyone, ladies or men who are interested in the cultivation of family life

Mothers Union


Soup and a Sandwich

2nd Wednesday of month 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Free soup and a sandwich lunch, open to everyone

Drop-In with Soup and a Sandwich 2nd Wednesday Monthly

House Groups/Bible Study

We currently have two groups, please contact church for more details


On-line Service

Church Services

All service Readings and Prayers will be posted here and on our Facebook page. We are keeping this under regular review. Please take care and stay safe.


19th May 2024 by Sue for Pentecost

Risen, ascended Lord, as we rejoice at your triumph, fill your church on earth with power and compassion, that all who are estranged by sin may find your forgiveness and know your peace to the glory of God the Father, Amen.

What a glorious day it is today in the Christian calendar.  The day when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in power. Earlier, the disciples had been scared and weak and anxious.  Now, all of a sudden, they were transformed into confident, strong and powerful men (and women) because they had been given power from on high. “You shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”   (Acts Chapter 1 v 8)

We thank you for the ways in which You transformed those disciples. We pray that you will transform us and make us more confident to talk to others about you, something many of us find very, very difficult.

Please join in with this prayer if you can….

Spirit of the living God,

Fall afresh on me

Spirit of the living God,

Fall afresh on me

Fill me anew, fill me anew

Spirit of the Lord

Fall afresh on me.

At this time, the world is in a mess.  Every day we hear or read about parts of the world where there is bombing, fighting, fires being set deliberately.  Politicians at loggerheads with each other, countries fighting each other, people fleeing for their lives.  Some people have little food (even in our country) and rely on food banks; some are literally starving to death. In Matthew 24 v 6 we read “You shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.  Such things must happen but the end is not yet come.”       

Father, we thank you that you promise to provide all our needs, physical, practical, health, food and clothing.  Thank you that we can trust you to provide for us.  Thank you for our families and our friends.  Thank you for those who serve – in our churches, in our schools, in our place of work, in our communities.  Thank you for those who help one another. Thank you that we can rely on You at all times, even when things are difficult for us.

We pray for those who are sick, at home or in hospital.  We pray for those recovering from operations and for those who are waiting to be admitted to hospital.  We pray for all who are unwell at this time, whether in hospital or at home and we remember the members of the Royal family who are recovering from surgery, that you will heal and restore them to full health again.

We pray for all in authority, especially the Prime Minister, the Government and Local Council leaders. We pray that you will grant them wisdom as they endeavour to lead us in these turbulent times.  We pray for all church leaders.  We thank you for the very good relations we have with other churches in the Valley and pray that you will bless us as we work together to the enlarge your Kingdom.

We pray for those who have recently been bereaved that you will draw near to them and comfort them.  And, we pray for all who work in hospitals or in any sector of the NHS, that you will strengthen them to do their job to the best of their ability, even though the “system” appears to be broken.

And now we ask that you will send us out in the Power of Your Spirit, to live and work for Your praise and Glory.

In the name of Christ…….Amen


Worship Songs/Service

Today Talk from Nigel

19th May 2024 - Pentecost

Good morning and welcome to this talk on the Holy Spirit. May we pray.

Pentecost is one of the four important events of the church calendar. Christmas, Jesus Christ who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary, Good Friday, Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, He descended to the dead, Easter, on the third day, He rose again, and 40 days later he ascended to the father and 10 days later, Pentecost the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, empowering the church to carry out the great commission.

Every Christian is baptised with the Holy Spirit when they are saved. Every day there is a need to pray for the infilling and the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives, so our cup is overflowing.

Acts gives the remarkable account of the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome. Luke sifts the evidence providing a model for church life and a missionary manual, that we can use today to enable this expansion to continue until the second coming of Christ.

Closer study reveals that the most prominent person in Acts, is the Holy Spirit and is mentioned 70 times in all. So perhaps we should call it the Acts of the Holy Spirit.

Luke begins with the first great event in the spreading of the gospel. The Holy Spirit came on 120 disciples in the temple as they gathered for morning prayers at 9 o’clock in Soloman’s porch.

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Wow, the power of God. The gift of tongues accompanying the outpouring, this was the reversal of God’s judgement in Genesis 11, at the Tower of Babel, at Pentecost God enabled the various nationalities gathered at the feast to talk and understand each other.

Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language?  we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”

13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”

14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These people are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! 

In Old testament times, God’s Spirit comes to rest on certain anointed individuals and for certain offices. The Spirit of God falls on prophets and teachers and craftsmen and Kings for specific ministries and bringing certain gifts. But those same prophets speak of a time when God will pour out his spirit to everyone.

16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

17 “‘In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
    and they will prophesy.
19 I will show wonders in the heavens above
    and signs on the earth below,
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20 The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood
    before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21 And everyone who calls
    on the name of the Lord will be saved.’

The Day of Pentecost is that very moment when God, poured the Holy Spirit out on the Church, and continues to do so this very day.

Over 3000 people responded in repentance and baptism and were added to the church. Many would later return to their home countries to spread the message, including Rome itself. Other events that followed in Acts.

Acts 6:7.So the word of God spread, the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.

Acts 9.31. Then the church throughout Judaea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.

Acts 12:24. But the word of God continued to increase and spread.

Acts 16:5. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.

Acts 19:20. In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.

Now over 2000 years later the church continues to grow globally with 2.6 billion Christians worldwide.

This remains the faith of the Church, declared in the creed, I believe in the Holy Spirit, The Lord and giver of life, Who proceedeth from the Father and Son, Who with the Father and Son is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the Prophets.  We are anointed and filled with the Spirit of God, who calls us into life, gives us gifts, for Christian service and assures us of God’s presence in the different seasons of our lives.

Jesus had told His Disciples about The Work of the Holy Spirit, He refers to the Holy Spirit as the Advocate.

26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning. 

When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong, about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

20 years ago, we ran the Alpha Course here at St Mary’s . Four of the 15 talks were on the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? How does God Guide Us? We need God’s help to guide us.

Given that we are willing to do what God wants us to do, God speaks to us and Guide us, using a combination of Commanding Scripture, Controlling Spirit, Common Sense, Council of the Saints and Circumstantial signs. The Alpha Course effectively explains how this comes together.

Being filled with the Spirit is not a one off experience. Peter was filled with the spirit three times in the space of chapters 2-4 in the Book of Acts. When Paul says “Be filled with the Spirit” Ephesians 5:18, he uses the presence continuous tense, urging them and us to go on being filled with the Spirit.

I hope this talk has not been over anyone’s head. The key fact is Jesus loves us. He loves the whole of creation regardless of faith, there are no barriers to His Love, His will be done, His Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven. The whole of creation has God’s spirit within them, albeit a pilot light, God calls us to come and ask him to fill us till our cups are overflowing.

Everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved, sadly for many people that call is made far too late, they miss the joy of knowing and serving the Lord. But for many of us, we know why Jesus died on the cross, the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ was shed for thee, preserves our body and souls unto everlasting life, we know He conquered Death and rose again on the third day, He appeared to over 500 witnesses, and then ascended into heaven and is seated at the righthand of the father.  When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

So be inspired, how great is our God and what a privilege it is to walk in a relationship with him, to be loved by him and to serve him in our lives. It is the best, most rewarding, fulfilling, meaningful, satisfying way to live. Indeed it is here we find the answers to the great questions of life. All we have to do is ask, God will provide all of our needs, daily and for all eternity. That’s Good News.


Communion Reflection

This is a short Communion Reflection that you can join at any time. There is a quiet period within it that you can pause if you want a longer period of reflection

Safe Guarding Policy

At St Mary’s, Rawtenstall we work hard to maintain a safe environment for all. We are committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance.

If you have any concerns or enquiries regarding safeguarding, please contact our safeguarding officer.

  • Parish Safeguarding Officer: Vicky Rhodes
  • Phone: 01254 389589

A hard copy of the ‘Manchester Diocese Safeguarding Handbook’ and the ‘Church of England – Parish Safeguarding Handbook’ are available for inspection in the vestry at St Mary’s.

View Policy Church of England Handbook

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Abbey Clephane-Wilson, she can be contacted at

Out of Hours Support

The Diocese of Manchester partners with thirtyone:eight and you can access their Safeguarding Helpline if the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is unavailable. Thirtyone:eight can be contacted on 0303 003 1111.

This also includes any safeguarding queries outside of office hours on weekdays and weekends. An Information Sharing Agreement between the two organisations will allow the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser to receive a copy of the advice thirtyone:eight may offer the caller.

In the case of an emergency

If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Service. Lancashire County Council on 0300 123 6720 or outside of working hours 0300 123 6722


NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours).

  • Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours).
  • Parent Line: 0808 800 2222
  • National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours).
  • Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours).
  • Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 080 8808 8141 (freephone Monday to Friday 9-5pm)


Some interesting facts about St Mary's Rawtenstall


Year Opened


Average Congregation


Downstairs Capacity


Electoral Roll (2020)


  • All
  • Adults
  • Scouts
  • Guides

Mothers Union

3rd Monday, 7:30pm


Monday, 5:30pm

Ladies Fellowship

Alt. Wednesday, 2:00pm


Wednesday, 6:15pm


Monday, 6:30pm

Mens Breakfast

1st Saturday, 8:15am


Tuesday, 7:00pm


Thursday, 7:30pm


Monday, 7:30pm

Our Churches/Friends


Meet the team of people at St Mary's who keep the building functioning, but the real church is not the building but the people who use the building.

Revd Samuel Hameem

Revd Samuel Hameem

Team Vicar in the Rossendale Team

Revd Samuel Hameem

Julie Barratt

Julie Barratt

Associate Minister

Julie Barratt

Pete Terry

Pete Terry

Church Warden

Pete Terry

Jean Lang

Jean Lang

Church Warden

Jean Lang

Nick and Suzanne

Nick and Suzanne

Childrens Work

Suzanne & Nick

Contact Us

Please contact us if you need any further information, or clarification of services/times. We will try and get back to you as soon as possible.


St Mary's Terrace, Rawtenstall, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 8SQ, United Kingdom

Phone Number

07514 773070